This is a description of the Fatima links listed above. - This page actually poses the question of whether the Fatima message is apocalyptic. To answer this question, the site posts news articles concerning the release of the third secret. It provides the text of the third secret and Cardinal Ratzinger?esponse and interpretation. It ultimately agrees with the Church's position, citing evidence that the message is not apocalyptic. It is a good source for the Church's position. - This page offers the complete history of the Fatima phenomenon from it's beginning to now. It covers the details of the visions and the tribulations of the children. It clearly describes the messages conveyed by Mary and also follows the speculation of the third secret. It also describes the actions of the popes concerning Fatima. This site is mainly for historical interest, not interpretation. - Obviously constructed by a sectarian group or individual, this site is devoted to uncovering the conspiracy of the third secret. It offers much evidence for the conspiracy, including comparative documents of Lucia's handwriting, a Lucia impersonator, and references to conflicts with Bayside visions. It also offers an alternate third secret. This source is useful for sectarian material. - This very small site provides useful quotations by people, including the pope, concerning the visions of Fatima. - This source is a great example of a sectarian individual. This person believes that he is the messenger of a great revelation given to him by an insider of the Vatican. He proceeds to relate the Fatima apparitions to current events with Russia in order to predict things likr the Chastisement. - This a wonderful site with many articles concerning the release of the third secret. It offers a great deal about conspiracy, including the possibility of two third secret texts. It also provides Cardinal Ratzinger's comments. This page offers a great amount of information on interpretations and speculations of the third secret. REVEALS THIRD FATIMA SECRET ??is site provides a news article that announces the revealing of the third secret. It also provides the text of Cardinal Sodano, read at the revealing. - This site offers a tremendous amount of links for Marian apparitions and the Apocalypse. - This page is a great source for apocalyptic speculation, citing quotes from the likes of Lucia and Cardinal Ratzinger, suggesting the third secret is apocalyptic. It provides the complete history of the apparitions and also the whole drama and legacy of the third secret. It offers many quotes and evidence in an organized way. - This site is the official site of the Vatican. It offers the ultimate source for their interpretation and feelings towards the secret. It also provides copies of the original text. Also included is a theological commentary, which is very helpful in understanding the Church's position.